Who Are We?
With over 30 years of building our experience, RSI is a team of highly credentialed, experienced, veteran professionals, all working on behalf of each client.  We are different  from other organizations in that all clients are clients of the firm, no one team member has his or her own clients.  We specialize in Financial Independence, wealth accumulation strategies, wealth preservation strategies, and wealth transfer/legacy strategies. We do this by applying knowledge, skills, and wisdom to the important challenges and concerns faced by successful families and business owners. Keith and his team, including a network of allied professionals, work together to help clients and their families reach their most important goals.
Keith M. Lichtcsien


Keith M. Lichtcsien is President of RSI, will have achieved 40 years of professional experience in 2022. The company, which Keith founded in 1985, is a Licensed Investment Adviser. Keith grew up working in a third-generation, closely held family business (now in its fourth generation) and brings an insider’s insight to his work with successful individuals and families.
Kathy Somes


Kathy’s contributions to the Strategic Thinking Team come in the form of developing strategies to help our clients accomplish what is most important for them and their loved ones, including working directly with clients. With over 20 years of investment research and reporting experience, she brings significant expertise to the firm’s ability to help clients meet their goals and long term financial objectives.
Nick Bean
Client Service Manager

Nick joined the RSI team in October 2022 after spending nearly a decade in the mortgage industry. In taking on the Client Service role, Nick is instrumental in facilitating and monitoring the daily inflows and outflows of client transactions and accompanying paperwork.
Debra F. White

Speical Project Manager

Debra enjoys seeing and helping clients achieve their financial goals.  As an active behind-the-scenes assistant to our strategic thinking team she handles many of the untold details, allowing clients to focus on their families and businesses.
Lisa Matousek

Office Manager

Lisa joined the RSI team in November 2022 after spending over 35 years as a Paralegal.  Lisa brings the knowledge and skills that keep the office running smoothly and professionally so everyone else on the RSI team can focus on clients' strategic planning.