Black’s Law Dictionary defines estate planning as “…the preparation for the distribution and management of a person’s estate at death through the use of wills, trusts, insurance policies, and other arrangements to reduce administration costs and transfer-tax liability.”
Our philosophy builds on this by also considering what is possible today, while you are able to enjoy the value you have created.
We have found that for most people, estate planning is difficult to understand and a burdensome process to implement. We understand why it is easy to procrastinate; after all, it deals with one’s own demise. One of my mentors used to say, “It is OK to procrastinate…just not too long!” – Funny and true! It is easy to take the position that everything is “done” or “all set”, especially if a lawyer has drafted estate planning documents for you. And most people are aware that the
Estate & Gift Tax laws are frequently changed, encouraging a “wait and see” position, which can strengthen the urge to procrastinate. Keep in mind; it is inarguable that at some point it becomes “
too late”.
Rarely do we find that economic projections have been performed and included in the planning process. We believe these projections are essential to creating powerful strategies which then become integral to achieving your goals. Naturally, the strategies can then be used to drive the creation of legal documents designed in the most advantageous way for your family.
Working with our clients, RSI develops and implements strategies that answer the important question, “When the time is right, how can we help our loved ones become
Financially Independent, preserving what we have built while safeguarding against the many forces (especially taxes) that can tear everything apart?”
In our discussions, you may discover that much more can be accomplished, not only economically, but also, and importantly, to safely protect your
heirs from future potential creditors and your assets from being taxed at each successive generation.
Sometimes, people need to clearly see and believe that their own financial needs will be met before they can open the part of their minds that allows for serious thinking around how to do all they can for their loved ones. Through our thorough analysis and financial modeling, a mental gate can open, empowering you to learn what is possible. Finally, once done, peace of mind can be achieved.
Additional Resources:
Preparing Heirs: The difference between giving and empowering
Helping Children Achieve Success Through Being Strategic
Helping Young People Create Vision: What might happen when your children and grandchildren learn how to develop their own life vision?
Business Succession or Exit: How to begin documenting a sound written plan for transfer of ownership and management
History of Exemption Equivalent